Incredible Video Surfaces of Child Trafficking at Border

Real Americas Voice News border correspondent Anthony Aguero has dedicated his life to exposing the truth about the border. His latest incredible footage from our southern border is heart wrenching. Anthony Aguero has spent many years on the border, exposing the real human tragedy going on there. You will not see this brutal side of the consequences of the ‘open border’ and illegal immigration in much of the mainstream media.

Anthony Aguero, in a series of new videos, shows many children strewn about around several young men and a few women, virtually unconscious. This new footage shows these ‘encampments’ where mostly young men are accompanying these children with few women in sight, claiming to be the children’s parents. When confronted and questioned by Aguero, they have trouble remembering the children’s names they are supposedly the parents of and they can’t even recall the children’s birth dates. It appears at first glance it appears that these children are sleeping, but upon closer examination by Aguero and his film crew, they seem to be out cold and under the influence of drugs. The kids, as young as two and three years of age, don’t even react, or do their pupils, when flashlights are shined into their eyes. They are obviously sedated. Aguero’s attempts, along with his crew, to wake up several of the children are unsuccessful, as they are in a deep slumber. When Anthony Aguero asked a man who is holding two children, who he claims are three and four years old, the man claims that his wife left him and abandoned her children and now he is taking them to America. But there is a pattern of these standardized answers from many crossing the border and Aguero calls the man out and sarcastically says it must be ‘break up’ season in Central America. It is suspected that part of the reason to keep these children sedated is to keep them from crying in front of authorities and answering any questions the children may be asked.

In another video from this past week, Aguero questions a single male walking with a little girl. The man claims to be her dad but has trouble remembering her name and cannot recall her date of birth. When Anthony Aguero questions the little girl in Spanish she is hesitant to speak and answer any questions and looks to the man she is with as if she is scared.

Other footage shot by Aguero as recently as yesterday shows, hundreds, if not thousands of illegals charging the border screaming loudly and celebrating their arrival at the U.S. border in El Paso.

In one video that Aguero posted, he states, “Drugged children. This is the work I do and this video was the reason I was cancelled on PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram” and that those perpetuating the open border “will try to destroy you the minute you try and shine light in to what they’re doing.” He goes on that the United States is assisting with child trafficking by letting them stream across the border with no vetting whatsoever.

Clearly this is child trafficking, and we are doing nothing about it. The Democrats call the border a humanitarian crisis but their ‘open border’ policies have caused this. Criticism can cut both ways however as Anthony Aguero maintains that both sides of the aisle are complicit in this because they have agendas and turn a blind eye.

Anthony Aguero made an appeal on the social media platform ‘X’, “If you’re interested in following my content live, please find me on Locals and #BorderWars on Rumble. “Help me shed some light in to the darkness on the southern border.”

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