Residents Shocked by Porn in School Libraries

“I was shocked at what I saw,” said former Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy when he was shown the pornographic material that was available to students in his local school.

“When a group of parents from the Bayport/Blue Point schools called me and asked for my help in fighting pornographic material in the school library, I thought for sure they were exaggerating,” Levy wrote in a recent column. “I know the board members and I thought they’d never allow that to happen. But lo and behold, the parents were 100% correct.”

According to Levy, who served in Suffolk’s top post for eight years, having also been an assemblyman and county legislator, one book contained graphic drawings of two children performing oral sex on each other while another “contained passages wherein the author was recalling in glorious terms the time he had oral and anal sex with his cousin when he was just 13 years old.” 

The former official, president of a consulting firm, Common Sense Strategies, quoted excerpts that would probably get him thrown out of every school board meeting in the country if he read them aloud. 

“When I asked the superintendent how he and the board could be so out of touch in authorizing such depravity, he respectfully retorted that it’s all ok since their internal committee reviewed it,” Levy reported. “Upon further pressing, it was conceded there were no parents on the committee and few in the district even knew about the deliberative process.” 

Levy said he responded, “So what if a committee reviewed it? I’m sure a committee once reviewed and approved a directive to make Blacks sit in the back of the bus. That doesn't make it ok.” 

Others, said Levy, “claimed they had to accept this porn or they’d be accused of ….wait for it…’book banning.’ Perhaps a fifth-grade civics class could explain to these board members that the standards related to children are completely different than those applying to adults. No one is banning any adult from reading, writing, or publishing such a book.

“The scary irony is that any adult showing these blatantly pornographic materials to children on the street would be arrested, yet the school board wants to use our tax dollars to make this trash accessible to children within our schools,” Levy said, adding, 

“School boards have shut down parents from reading the content at school board meetings because the language was deemed so lurid. Yet, it’s ok for our kids?”

Levy, the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media,” went on to say: “The fact that this is even a discussion in our schools today speaks volumes as to how dangerously runamuck wokeism has become.”

The former county executive urged concerned residents to check out a new group, Parents Against Pornography in Schools ( for more information. 

“Schools were built and designed for the benefit of parents and THEIR children. It is high time the elites who run these schools remember that,” he concluded.

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